Say Bye to Dandruff With 5 Natural Ways.

//Say Bye to Dandruff With 5 Natural Ways.

Say Bye to Dandruff With 5 Natural Ways.

Dandruff is the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. According to researchers, it’s a common scalp disorder affecting almost half of the population.


  • dry skin
  • seborrheic dermatitis
  • not cleaning/scrubbing often enough
  • shampooing too often
  • psoriasis
  • eczema
  • products sensitivity
  • malassezia which is fungus

Five Natural ways to get rid of Dandruff-

  1. Fuller’s Earth(Multani mitti)– Thought it’s only beneficial to skin? You might just be wrong here as multani mitti is proven to be advantageous for hair as well! Fuller’s earth clay helps straighten hair and eliminate dandruff from the roots. It can be applied to both an oily or dry scalp absolutely at any time of the year! When I was in high school, my granny followed a strict once- a –week amazing hair regime. She would mix some multani mitti, curd, lemon juice & water to apply on the scalp and hair. After half an hour, she would rinse hair with water.

2.Orange Peel Powder–  A good source of antioxidants, orange peel powder  is very effective in reducing dandruff and hair fall. It consists of high amounts of vitamin C which promote healthy growth of hair. The anti-inflammatory properties of orange peel helps to soothe the scalp and keep it free from any infection. Mix orange peel powder with water and form a paste consistency. You need to clean the scalp first, apply the paste of orange peel and leave it for around 30minutes. Later rinse it off with lukewarm water.

3.Honey– Raw honey is a natural humectant that helps hold moisture in hair. Being a natural elixir, it delivers an infusion of vitamins A,C,D,E, B-complex, beta-carotene and tons of minerals including iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, calcium, and phosphorous. No surprise why Grandmas have long recommended it to prevent thinning hair, makes sense with its long list of benefits! Dandruff can clog hair follicles and prevent new hair from growing in, so a reduction in the same, may make it easier for hair to grow normally. Wet hair, then dilute honey & water with 8:2 proportion. Massage into scalp for 2-3 minutes, then let it sit for an hour. Rinse off with water. Not only will your scalp be dandruff-free, but your hair will thank you with a natural shine.

4.Fenugreek Seeds-Lecithin present in fenugreek seeds has natural emulsifying and antifungal properties that help moisturize and hydrate an itchy dry scalp. It also has properties that nourish hair strands from the roots and add lustre and shine to hair. Soak 3 – 4 tbsp of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Grind the soaked seeds the next day morning. To it, squeeze fresh lemon and add 1 tbsp of lemon juice to form a consistent paste. Apply this paste to the scalp, hair and ends. Cover the application with a shower cap and let dry for 30 minutes. Later, rinse it off with lukewarm water.

5.Baking Soda– An easily available ingredient in the kitchen, baking soda plays a large part in a lot of natural home remedies, and for a good reason-it usually works! It gently exfoliates & get’s rid of the excess dead skin. It also acts as a great fungicide. In addition to this, its tiny particles can be useful in actually removing those loose flakes stuck in your hair-instead of just breaking the pieces of skin up further into smaller pieces. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda to every one cup of rose water. Apply the paste on the scalp and massage gently in circular motions for 2 minutes.Wash your scalp and hair with cool water. Follow the method once a week.

Join me in saying Goodbye to Dandruff! Do let me know which one worked the best for your hair and scalp.

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